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And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’


Matthew  25:40

This is the story we want to tell. This is the story you want to tell. "Tell who?" you may ask; tell the one whose seat we will all face without excuse. 


He is the Father to the fatherless, and a defender to the widows. And these words, "the least" "the fatherless" "the widows", these are "rhema" words that have come alive to bring glory to the name of Jesus. And we only have one story to tell, and this is what it will be: 


"We met a child in dire need, orphaned, uncared for, unclothed, and without food. God, we cared for him. When met a widow, who had no home, she had no means and no family. God we took her in. We met people, who do not know You, and has never read Your Word. God we spoke of you."


Our story, is not just our story. It is God's story. Our story has been written, thousands of ages before our existence. Clearly mandated, and clearly stated. 


Our story is not just our story, it's the story of every child needing a home. The story of every widow in need of a family and security.The story of every person, needing to meet their Savior. The story of every believer to be raised up and help advance God's work. 


Our story is not just our story, it is YOUR story. Your story with every single one, of whom the world consider as the "least of this". Whose lives you choose to help change, whose story you choose to be a part of. 


Our HOPE is that every life we change tells a story, of all us together, Helping Orphans, Practically and Eternally. 







Our Journey

The Focus of Our Efforts

The Mission

Rhema Project exists to love, serve and raise up orphans and the fatherless by providing for their physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs,  while introducing them to Jesus Christ and reaching the local community with t he love of Jesus Christ.

The Vision

Our vision is to create a replicable model of execution that attains our mission and expand our outreach to more locations internationally. m

The Fruit

Our desire is to see the manifestation of Jesus' work in  the lives of the children, orphans and widows. That their time spent within the community,  raises and equips them to become mature believers that are carriers of the love of Jesus Christ, operating fully within their full potential and their God-given identity; to impact the world for Christ and continually bearing more fruits for God's Kingdom.

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