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Practical Methods. Eternal Impact

The Jesus Method


We Pray

WE believe in the power of prayer and we believe in teaching the value of prayer. 


There is no substitute to what God can do. We do our part, but we wholeheartedly believe that God meets us at every juncture of this mission. 


We Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Share God's Word

Many underprivileged children and orphans are dying from hunger. Many of these children are sent to monasteries, these children are then sent out to ask for their food, only eat twice a day and grow up to be raised in Buddhist belief. We are committed to meeting their practical need, such as food, clothing and shelter; Jesus did. But we are also wholeheartedly committed to meeting their greatest need, which is salvation through Christ Jesus.


There are also many unreached tribes who are in need of the message of The Gospel. We travel to many parts of Burma sharing The Good News, and sharing the Word of God. Our desire is to translate God's Word into a dialect it's never been interpreted before. 


We Provide

We provide underprivileged children with food, clean water, clothing, shelter, daily hygiene needs, education, and a safe community. 


Because of deep poverty, parents that are unable to able to care for their children give their children up to be cared for, nurtured and educated through Twantay Children's Home


They are not only being cared for now, but they are also being raised and taught to become responsible members of the community. 


We celebrate their birthdays, we celebrate during holidays, we provide a safe place for them to play and experience what it's like to a child raised in a loving family. 


We Care for the Widows

We provide widows and their children home and an avenue to be part of a family. We give them an opportunity to help raise and care for other children. We equip and train widows to find purpose in their season for Kingdom advancement. 


We train them to teach children, outside their own within the community and the orphanage. 


We Build

We continually strive to build our children's community a better place. 


Our current building projects include: 

  • Separate building and living quarters for all our children, which includes their bedrooms, living area and kitchen. Our desire is to see every child provided for, cared for and secure.  

  • House of Prayer 

  • Local Church

  • Future School 

  • Local Medical Clinic 


We Reach

Outside of the direct reach to the local community, we do crusades all over tribal towns of Burma to continually reach tribes that have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 


We also visit local churches and help equip local pastors to further the reach and effectivity of local churches and ministries. 


Currently, we are endeavoring to translate the Bible to a language it has never been translated before, "Naga Makury" to help equip and teach a local tribe.

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