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WE all have OUR part

Play a part in making a difference today!


Your prayers tread grounds where your feet may not take you. Prayer is vital to what we do. We need people like you, WARRIORS to stand in the gap as we do the work of The Gospel. Your mission in prayer is vital to our mission in reaching the world. WE cannot do this without you!


Partner with Us through Giving

There is plenty of ongoing and recurring initiatives you can participate in. 


There is great opportunity to be able to reach many people who never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and have never heard the Bible preach.  


There is also a number of opportunities you can participate in to support local communities and individuals for them to practically receive help and love of Jesus. 


Share the word

Help us by spreading the word. Share the work of Rhema Project, to your friends, families and local church. 


Find, like and follow us on social media. 


Share our website, and our social media pages to your wall and help reach many more people through the Gospel of Jesus Christ! 

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